BündnisÄrzte, Psychotherapeuten und Rechtsanwälte für Solidarität und Menschlichkeit „Für eine Medizin im Einklang mit Natur und Rechtsstaat“ Zahlreiche Fälle von Hausdurchsuchungen in Praxen und Privatwohnungen von behandelnden Ärzten beunruhigen uns…
Kategorie: Gesellschaft
You can’t hear it anymore; and now they are supposed to be more dangerous so the lockdown can be extended. But the more intense the media’s screaming, the more untrustworthy…
USA nach 8 Wochen Covid 19- Vaccines: 653 Todesfälle 147 Anaphylaxien 128 Gesichtslähmungen 12697 Nebenwirkungen bei CDC/VAERS=714 (Prof. Hockertz) Officially, the Paul Ehrlich Institute in Germany counts the number of…
Und die Mainstream- Presse hält dicht. Während unter Hitler Whistleblower im KZ landeten, müssen sie heute nur mit Entlassung und dem Gang zum Sozialamt rechnen. For the first time, there…
Bochum, Dr.- Ruer- Platz Do we need teachers who do not protect their students but are afraid of their students‘ snotty noses? Teachers who force their students to wear masks…
Now Ms. Schwesig is supposed to be the new face of the SPD. After Scholz proved to be a flop and completely washed up, she is supposed to get the…
Oder ist ein Boykott von Presse und Fernsehen sinnvoll? Or does a boycott of the press and television make sense? Infection through children and pupils. Children are said to be…
The insolvency of the hospitality industry is being pushed through in giant steps. The savings have largely been used up. Government subsidies have only helped in the short term. Suppliers,…
Suddenly there is talk of fifty thousand deaths from the Corona virus. Most of the media know that there is no truth in this figure. But they agree with the…
Regierung macht aus der saisonalen Grippe eine Jahrhundertkatastrophe Government turns seasonal flu into disaster of the century Yes, the disaster is here. But not by the flu virus, but by…
This is the headline of one-line newspapers and broadcasters, they mean the reports in the social media, where the vaccination effects are reported. In fact, the national „quality media“ are…
Kann man bald ohne Impfausweis nicht mehr ins Ausland reisen? Will it soon be impossible to travel abroad without a vaccination card? The Jewish star, after all, had a history…