Ist der Wokismus das Gesicht des Faschismus in unserer Zeit? Spätestens die Europawahlen offenbarten den Trend, dass der woke Trend seinen Höhepunkt erreicht hat und im Abklingen begriffen ist Die…
Schlagwort: Faschismus
Warum redet Kayan Soufi- Siavash davon, dass die Lage in Israel so kompliziert sei? Will er nicht Stellung nehmen? Will er nicht sehen, Warum redet P. Brandenburg dauernd vom Terror…
Die FDP ist voll auf Kurs In order to be able to act undisturbed after the election, the FDP did not even make any statements beforehand. General, noncommittal gibberish delivered…
You paint the brutality of the capitalist social order green, but that does not make it any less brutal…. Ihr streicht die Brutalität der kapitalistischen Gesellschaftsordnung grün an, aber dadurch…
Actress H. Makatsch has withdrawn her contribution to the actors’ action against the government’s measures. She has succumbed to the official framing that she would support the “right-wingers” with her…
More and more sections of the middle class are falling into the proletariat. More and more are using up their savings and are left with nothing. Under the new laws,…
In Stockholm syndrome, the victim identifies with the kidnapper as if the latter only wants good. Why do Germans let themselves be locked up and think it’s good? Beim Stockholm-Syndrom…
You, W. Bartens, C. Berndt, M. Hengstenberg, U. von Rauchhaupt, from the “quality media”, have told your colleagues and the audience the fairy tale of the extraordinarily deadly virus…. Ihr,…
In Germany fascism has tradition. The collapse of imperial rule in World War I promoted only a relatively short period of democratic conditions. During the Weimar Republic, the old social…