With all their might, the government and the mainstream media try to inflate the annual virus epidemic into a particularly dangerous pandemic. But lies have short legs; because the campaign…
Schlagwort: Impfung
claims more lives every day. Our elderly, who cannot survive the chills and fever, are only the first wave. … fordert täglich mehr Todesopfer. Unsere alten Menschen, die den Schüttelfrost…
Warum darf nicht obduziert werden? https://corona-blog.net/2021/03/02/dramatischer-anstieg-der-todesfaelle-unter-senioren-seit-beginn-der-corona-schutzimpfungen/ Dramatic increase in deaths among seniors since „corona vaccinations“ began… Dramatischer Anstieg der Todesfälle unter Senioren seit Beginn der „Corona-Schutzimpfungen“ Am 26.12.2020 wurde in…
Merkel has already announced that she wants to extend the state of emergency into next year. Some mutants can always be found to continue until ultimo. The media and corrupt…
Until now, there can be no talk of a so-called excess mortality in 2020. Only some Corona fanatics in the editorial offices of the mainstream still use this term. They…
You can’t hear it anymore; and now they are supposed to be more dangerous so the lockdown can be extended. But the more intense the media’s screaming, the more untrustworthy…
USA nach 8 Wochen Covid 19- Vaccines: 653 Todesfälle 147 Anaphylaxien 128 Gesichtslähmungen 12697 Nebenwirkungen bei CDC/VAERS=714 (Prof. Hockertz) Officially, the Paul Ehrlich Institute in Germany counts the number of…
Rapid testing only serves the purpose of keeping people in fear. Now that word has gotten out that the PCR- test is inadequate for detecting infection and the people are…
Und die Mainstream- Presse hält dicht. Während unter Hitler Whistleblower im KZ landeten, müssen sie heute nur mit Entlassung und dem Gang zum Sozialamt rechnen. For the first time, there…
Naturopathy, which is represented by the previous speaker, and conventional medicine, which I represent, get along well with each other and complement each other… Die Naturheilkunde, die von meiner Vorrednerin…
Oder ist ein Boykott von Presse und Fernsehen sinnvoll? Or does a boycott of the press and television make sense? Infection through children and pupils. Children are said to be…