Die Ampelregierung will 250.000 Kenianer nach Deutschland holen, um sie hier auszubilden und als Busfahrer u.ä.einzusetzen. Man glaubt es kaum, aber es gibt amtliche Bestätigungen dafür. Und Professor Homburg berichtet…
Schlagwort: Lockdown
Täglich bringen die großen Sender Bilder von Panzern, die in die Ukraine geliefert werden sollen. Die Panzer tauchen dann aus dem Wasser auf und rollen weiter als würde es sich…
Demonetization occurs when governments print money. The billions and even trillions of euros were pumped into the economic cycle long before Corona. Eine Geldentwertung entsteht durch das Gelddrucken der Regierungen.…
In order for something to change, the Left Party wants to participate in the government merry-go-round. Damit sich etwas ändert, will die Linke am Regierungskarussell teilnehmen. Etwas soll sich am…
You paint the brutality of the capitalist social order green, but that does not make it any less brutal…. Ihr streicht die Brutalität der kapitalistischen Gesellschaftsordnung grün an, aber dadurch…
The Leibniz Institute of the Technical University of Berlin has announced a figure of 665300 respiratory infections (including pneumonia) for 2019. These were classified as influenza and influenza-associated infections…. Das…
SARS- CoV- 2 is as dangerous for old and sick people as other known viruses.A pandemic like now would have been had every year with mass tests.„Coronatote“ are on average…
In Stockholm syndrome, the victim identifies with the kidnapper as if the latter only wants good. Why do Germans let themselves be locked up and think it’s good? Beim Stockholm-Syndrom…
Aber magisches Denken But magical thinking; The concept of asymptomatic spread was invented by Chinese last year. There is much to suggest that there is a political brief behind it,…
Only in December the corona viruses appear again. Until then, the virus mutates (changes) and then starts its attacks again as a „new“ virus. Among the approximately one hundred respiratory…
According to the results of all studies published to date, „Covid-19“ is classified as similarly „dangerous“ as a normal flu with influenza viruses… „Covid-19″ ist nach den Ergebnissen aller bisher…