Linke wie Rechte gegen Wintersport Left like right against winter sports There can be nothing healthier than winter sports for parents and children. That’s why over the weekend the masses…
Autor: atriebel
Impfung für die Katz? Vaccination for nothing? Trials of the new „vaccine“ turned out fatal for all cats. Now manufacturers are more cautious and prescribe a lower dosage in two…
You, W. Bartens, C. Berndt, M. Hengstenberg, U. von Rauchhaupt, from the „quality media“, have told your colleagues and the audience the fairy tale of the extraordinarily deadly virus…. Ihr,…
Erklärung des MWGFD e.V. zu Vorwürfen gegenüber mehreren Ärzten Statement of the MWGFD e.V. on allegations against several physicians In recent weeks, several doctors‘ residences and practices have been searched…
Querdenken 234 – Bochum I am pleased to speak to you today in Dr. Ruer Square, where I had my medical practice for two decades.… Ich freue mich heute auf…
Digitization facilitates communication, the understanding of people. It makes it possible to share skills and make them available to many. It is earth-spanning like letterpress printing and gives the possibility…
After the Sars virus is hardly to be found and the fraud with the PCR test threatens to be exposed, a new variant of the virus is quickly conjured out…
Göbbels put his audience into hysteria with promises and deceit; he promised „Lebensraum im Osten“ (living space in the East), work and prosperity for all. Step by step, the Nazi…
It doesn’t stop: the sweet talk of the chancellor that „we“ have to protect the grandparents by isolating them doesn’t stop.And mask compulsion, quarantine and and even more distance, the…
The PCR test for Sars- Cov-2 does not indicate an infection. The test also says nothing about a disease. Even with uniform standards, the test would not provide useful information.Covid-19…
Merkel breaks all taboos: Now the pastor’s daughter even dares to face the daily deaths. Ice-coldly, she quotes the numbers of hundreds of people who have died, who allegedly died…
Stop of ongoing vaccination studies Stop der laufenden Impfstudien Together with Dr. Michael Yeadon, ex-Pfizer Head of Research, I filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine…