After the entertainment industry, which still suffers from the ban on employment, it is now the turn of the hotel and restaurant industry. With the Beherbungsverbot three to four million…
Autor: atriebel
The Germany Anthem was actually intended to unite conservatives, liberals and leftists. But the neoliberal ideology of capitalism, which has been dominant for decades, has infiltrated and disintegrated all currents,…
fordert die Berliner Politmafia Money or Life demands the Berlin political mafia This is not to be outbid in boldness, which the chancellor affords itself there: “ Is the health…
First the Bavarian mask fan organizes a monkey theater, issues daily new regulations and gives the worried head of government. His house postille, the „Süddeutsche Zeitung“, cheers his decrees and…
Immediate end of all measures An end to the hygiene dictatorship Denunciation and hygiene snooping must be stopped immediately Repeal of all emergency laws The mask constraint must be stopped…
The friendly man without weapons in the family circle and in larger units, national or countryside, these ties dissolve the capitalist social order as an obstacle to the multiplication of…
The less likely it is to come into contact with the Corona virus, which spread epidemically in March, the more the politicians turn up the heat. The virus was last…
In Germany fascism has tradition. The collapse of imperial rule in World War I promoted only a relatively short period of democratic conditions. During the Weimar Republic, the old social…
Die Kaiserin ist nackt The empress is naked The Chancellor is talking about increasing numbers of infections, although there is no basis for this .Die Kanzlerin redet von ansteigenden Infektionszahlen,…
Only in December the corona viruses appear again. Until then, the virus mutates (changes) and then starts its attacks again as a „new“ virus. Among the approximately one hundred respiratory…
Now, in the time that is free of respiratory viruses, people are being kept in fear and anxiety to bridge the time until winter, when respiratory viruses really do reappear.…