Now the political class is resorting to harsher means:… Jetzt greift die politische Klasse zu härteren Mitteln: Beamte, die nicht fügsam sind, werden aus dem Dienst entfernt. Alle Beamten müssen…
Schlagwort: Quarantäne
Aber magisches Denken But magical thinking; The concept of asymptomatic spread was invented by Chinese last year. There is much to suggest that there is a political brief behind it,…
Aber nicht durch das Virus, sondern durch die politischen Eingriffe. But not by the virus, but by the political interventions. Until 2019, the German healthcare system coped well with every…
It doesn’t stop: the sweet talk of the chancellor that „we“ have to protect the grandparents by isolating them doesn’t stop.And mask compulsion, quarantine and and even more distance, the…