had the bus driver Thomas Breuner from Göttingen forcibly arrested today. His apartment was searched by the police, his communication media were confiscated on suspicion of having used an „incorrect“…
Kategorie: Gesellschaft
Haben wir die Ruhe vor dem Sturm? Do we have the calm before the storm? The media reports, in newspapers and on television, are full of reports of a withdrawal…
On the street, many people still walk around masked. The distance rules are still in force. In large parts of Germany, especially in the realm of the bavarian cardboard nose…
Virus variants have been around for a thousand years. They are largely harmless and the reports about them are pure fear-mongering. The alleged danger is unfounded and the exaggeration has…
The media reports, in newspapers and on television, are full of reports of a withdrawal of measures by governments. People want to go back to restaurants and eat and party…
The news in the media, in newspapers and on television, is full of reports of governments withdrawing measures. Mecklenburg- Vorpommern is lifting the mask requirement in schools altogether. People want…
That’s how many euros the Merkel-Scholz government is giving as a bribe to „Süddeutsche, FAZ, Spiegel“ and other leading media. They should continue to inflate the annual viral cold into…
Spahn wants to enforce the „vaccination“ of children with all his might.… Spahn will mit aller Macht die „Impfung“ der Kinder durchsetzen. Die ständige Impfkommission, die mit regierungs- und pharmafreundlichen…
Recently, people have been confronted with this question when shopping in stores. If you answer in the negative, you may at best wait outside until the desired item is brought…
To date, over ten thousand (10500) deaths have been reported to the European Medicines Agency in temporal relation to the „vaccinations“.… Der europäischen Arzneimittelagentur sind bis jetzt über Zehntausend (10500)…
The Leibniz Institute of the Technical University of Berlin has announced a figure of 665300 respiratory infections (including pneumonia) for 2019. These were classified as influenza and influenza-associated infections…. Das…
when people are misled, thrown into hysteria, and fear and terror are spread…. Wenn die Menschen irregeleitet, in Hysterie versetzt und Angst und Schrecken verbreitet werden. wenn den Menschen ihre…