Unbeeindruckt von Drohungen der Politiker und juristischen Winkelzügen zogen gestern Hunderttausende Demonstranten durch Berlin. Vergeblich versuchten die Polizeitruppen immer wieder Sperren zu errichten und die Menschen aufzuhalten, aber umso lauter…
Autor: atriebel
Sie drehen wieder auf. Kurz vor den Sommerferien schien es, als würden wir Ruhe haben, damit die Menschen zur Wahl gehen und brav ihr Kreuzchen bei den Corona- Parteien machen.…
What is the fate of the flood victims worth to the government? In any case, the political competition is always more important to it…. Was ist der Regierung das Schicksal…
Governments can only enforce compulsory vaccination by force. Physical integrity and the right to work are no longer basic rights, they are at the mercy of the government. The right…
By making vaccinations compulsory for employees in health care and nursing, Macron is making further social cuts. Because many will now, in order to protect themselves from the toxic injections,…
and feel comfortable in it. They always invent new stories about the dangerous cold virus and reality is completely uninteresting. They have a complete grip on people who have worked…
had the bus driver Thomas Breuner from Göttingen forcibly arrested today. His apartment was searched by the police, his communication media were confiscated on suspicion of having used an „incorrect“…
Haben wir die Ruhe vor dem Sturm? Do we have the calm before the storm? The media reports, in newspapers and on television, are full of reports of a withdrawal…
First Greece was brought to its knees, the lower class was on the verge of starvation and Syriza had to step down, otherwise the IMF would have cut the country…
On the street, many people still walk around masked. The distance rules are still in force. In large parts of Germany, especially in the realm of the bavarian cardboard nose…
Virus variants have been around for a thousand years. They are largely harmless and the reports about them are pure fear-mongering. The alleged danger is unfounded and the exaggeration has…
You paint the brutality of the capitalist social order green, but that does not make it any less brutal…. Ihr streicht die Brutalität der kapitalistischen Gesellschaftsordnung grün an, aber dadurch…