Now, through the back door of „vaccination“, they finally have access to the human genome. This has long been the dream of eugenicists, to subjugate people via genetic intervention…. Jetzt…
Schlagwort: Arbeitslosigkeit
The PCR test measures all sorts of things, but now delivers up to 85 percent false positive results. It also indicates the presence of virus fragments that are of no…
When Trump says nonsense, and according to the media reports, he’s supposed to do it all the time, all observers make fun, while the high-ranking employees gathered around Trump look…
The nineties were full of optimism, it was believed that things would only get better, Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan will fix it, there will be no more wars, the…
Die patriarchalischen, Bismarckschen Sozialgesetze wurden von der deutschen Sozialdemokratie immer vorbehaltlos akzeptiert: große Teile des Lohns der abhängig Beschäftigten werden in die Sozialkassen geleitet und von der politischen Klasse verwaltet.…