The flu epidemic is over. The lock-down has led to a slight, barely measurable delay in the spread of the corona virus. Everywhere the spread lasted about forty days. Since…
Kategorie: Gesellschaft
Dr. Eberhard Laas, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Großheubach Der Hausarzt, 07, 20.04.20 The disease with the coronavirus is on everyone’s lips. According to what is known so far, this disease can…
Dr. Eberhard Laas, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Großheubach Der Hausarzt, 07, 20.04.20 Die Erkrankung mit dem Coronavirus ist in aller Munde. Nach dem, was bisher bekannt ist, kann diese Krankheit durchaus…
The Chancellor gets the experts who fit her political line. The media had done good preparatory work with a barrage of horror reports. First and foremost the fee-financed state broadcasters.…
The nineties were full of optimism, it was believed that things would only get better, Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan will fix it, there will be no more wars, the…
Die Grippewelle ist vorbei. Schon vor dem Lock- down zeichnete sich ab, dass die Grippewelle kürzer sein und weniger Opfer fordern würde als in den vorhergehenden Jahren. Die nächste Grippewelle…
The wave of flu is over, now the shards of our economic and social model must be swept up. The ugly side of our neo-liberal society is becoming visible: the…
The print media fill their columns with technical terms such as doubling time and with statistics that are supposed to represent steep rises without explaining the background, meaning and relevance.…
Drostens PCR test, which must be obtained by a throat swab, was already non-specific, i.e. it detects all possible viruses, including Covid-19. Nowadays, every large laboratory carries out its own…
The primal instincts of the bourgeois are awakened: Prime Minister Kretschmann defends spying on his neighbour. Homosexuals have to go underground again, migrants are accused of being vectors, citizens of…
The test used to detect the virus by throat swab is nonsense except in very exceptional cases. Contact with the virus is usually harmless and is not noticed by most…
Only occasionally do older people walk the streets, staring rigidly ahead. Is it fear of the virus or fear of the neighbour? Or fear of police control? Now and then…