We, the ruling political class, immobilize the people; now it fits; just before the world economic crisis claims its victims, we increase the access to the population, we forbid contacts…
Autor: atriebel
Wir, die herrschende politische Klasse, stellen das Volk ruhig; jetzt passt es; kurz bevor die Weltwirtschaftskrise ihre Opfer fordert, verstärken wir den Zugriff auf die Bevölkerung, wir untersagen die Kontakte…
People should only work and no longer celebrate. They should stay at home and prepare for the next working day. Our celebration society has long been a thorn in the…
Die Menschen sollen nur noch arbeiten und nicht mehr feiern. Sie sollen zuhause bleiben und sich auf den nächsten Arbeitstag vorbereiten. Unsere Feiergesellschaft war der politischen Klasse schon lange ein…
But the recession has long since taken hold in Germany: Production in the manufacturing sector has been falling steeply for 1.5 years, with industrial production falling by 2.5% in December…
Die Rezession hat aber Deutschland schon längst erfasst: Die Produktion im produzierenden Gewerbe fällt seit 1,5 Jahren steil ab, allein im Dezember fiel die Industrieproduktion um 2,5%. Sogar die Bauproduktion…
After their election as leaders of the SPD, these two would have had to push through a basic pension worthy of the name. But in this case the expressions bungle…
The gossip of Hamburg’s voters for the SPD (loss of seven percent) was not enough: broad grin of the functionaries, it’s enough to keep them in power. A little greenery…
Now, after the murders in Hanau, they all talk about hate, racism and right-wing extremism. Political class and media pretend that hate, racism is a human characteristic, as if man…
At last the Prime Minister has resigned by grace of the AfD. For a long time he believed that he would be allowed to exercise the office and when the…
The speeches made by German politicians to commemorate the liberation of Auschwitz seventy-five years ago are a single tirade to justify our system of rule. This order finds its expression…
How Sigmar Gabriel served Deutsche Bank as Minister of Economics Norbert Haering – norberthaering.de On the occasion of Sigmar Gabriel’s appointment to the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank, it is…